Delicious duck salads – Fresh and easy, great for Summer!


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Frequently Asked Questions & Welfare Standards

Here you can find answers to some common questions about Luv-a-Duck and our products.

If you can't find the information or answers you are looking for, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Why buy Luv-a-Duck?

Luv-a-Duck are market leaders in our field. No other duck company in the world produces the vast range of value added and ready roasted duck portions.

Where do the ducks live and how are they looked after?

Luv-a-Duck are very serious about the welfare of our ducks and to this effect have developed the following industry "best practice policies". Our ducks are housed in large, enclosure like barns that allow natural light and fresh air to flow in and also provides room to move around and for the ducks to socialise. Trained stock-men take care of the duck's welfare ensuring that they are comfortable, relaxed and that there is always dry and clean litter to walk on. By growing the duck inside they are protected from adverse weather conditions and predators that include foxes, feral cats, crows and magpies. They are also protected from disease transmission from migratory birds which is a serious issue. We believe from experience, the way in which we raise our ducks is the most ethical and appropriate for their welfare in all circumstances.

Does Luv-a-Duck produce Foie Gras?

No. It is illegal to produce Foie Gras in Australia. However Luv-a-Duck livers are plump and full of flavour to use as a substitute in any recipe.

What do ducks eat?

Our ducks are fed a wholesome and balanced diet of grains.

There is constant access to fresh water and natural grain with no added hormones or unnatural stimulants or additives, for the ducks to feed from freely.

Are they given hormones?

Absolutely No! Growth hormones and antibiotics have been illegal in the Australian poultry and duck industry for over 50 years. The regulated term "no added hormones"  is used as a statement and is not intended to infer that added hormones were ever used.

What breed of duck is it?

Strictly speaking it is a Luv-a-Duck, duck because it has been bred to produce a high content of lean tender meat in ratio to fat and bone.

To look at it, it is a White Pekin duck.

Is Luv-a-Duck an Australian Business?

Luv-a-Duck is a family owned and operated Australian business and has been established for 50 years. The farms and processing plant are situated in the Wimmera area of Victoria. Luv-a-Duck is a vertically integrated company.