Luv-a-Duck Recipes

Slow Cooked Duck Legs with Mushrooms & Red Wine Recipe

Slow Cooked Duck Legs with Mushrooms & Red Wine


4 Luv-a-Duck Fresh Duck Legs
Salt & pepper
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

400-500g mushrooms, swiss brown and button mushrooms are ideal, roughly chopped
1 red onion, sliced 
5 cloves garlic, crushed
1 red chilli
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
Salt & pepper
3 bay leaves
1 bunch sage
1 bunch thyme
1 bunch flat-leaf parsley, roughly chopped 
100g butter
500ml red wine
500ml passata
500ml stock or water 

To serve
1 bunch chives, finely chopped
1 bunch flat-leaf parsley, finely chopped

Products used

Fresh Duck Legs

Fresh Duck Legs


  1. Preheat your oven to 140°C.
  2. Season the duck legs with salt and pepper. Add to a hot saucepan, fat side down. Cook for a few minutes on each side to seal, the fat will begin to render out and the duck will go golden brown.
  3. Add the red onions to a hot frypan and sweat down. Add the crushed garlic, chilli and extra virgin olive oil to the onions, season with salt and pepper. Add the mushrooms and butter and sweat down for a few minutes before adding the fresh herbs. Let simmer down for 5 minutes.
  4. Add passata to the seared duck, and the red wine and stock to the mushrooms, stir to lift any caramelised bits. Pour the mushroom mixture into the saucepan with the duck. Stir everything through and place in the hot oven uncovered for 1 and 30 minutes, or until the duck is tender.
  5. Serve with freshly chopped chives and parsley.

Recipe by Adrian Richardson and featured on Good Chef Bad Chef.

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Products used

Fresh Duck Legs

Fresh Duck Legs

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